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Removal of Red Notices and Other Interpol Notices

Interpol notices are tools for cooperation between member states to combat international crime. However, in some cases, these notifications may be misused to target political dissidents or individuals who are unfairly persecuted. Let’s explore when and how it is possible to request the removal of a Red Notice or other Interpol notices. Interpol Notices: Types […]

Interpol: Structure, Functioning, and Types of Notices

Interpol is the largest international police cooperation organization, with 195 member states. Its purpose is to facilitate collaboration among law enforcement agencies worldwide to combat transnational crime. Let’s see how it works and what its most important notices are. What is Interpol and how does it operate? Interpol is headquartered in Lyon, France, and coordinates […]

Criminal Association: Illicit Drug Trafficking

In the Italian legal context, the associative offense entails the formation of an association, an organization composed of at least three individuals who come together to create a stable structure with a legally distinct personality from the individual participants. This association must be capable of pursuing a specific and pre-defined criminal program. Associative offenses, prominently […]