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ILA's Commercial, Administrative and Tax Criminal Defence

ILA has distinguished itself over time for its achievements in the field of commercial, administrative and tax criminal defence.

Our structure was founded by lawyer Alexandro Maria Tirelli, later appointed president of the Criminal Chambers of European and International Law and known everywhere as an intellectual, jurist and philosopher of law.

Lawyer Tirelli, now director of the Alta Scuola di Formazione del Diritto Penale e delle Estradizioni, currently collaborates with ILA, sometimes as a lawyer, more often as coordinator of international activities.

Defending and advising on tax, administrative and commercial offences of companies and entities has been one of ILA’s areas of expertise since its foundation.

10 law firms

in Italy and abroad

24H Assistance

every day of the year

ILA: the experts in criminal defence for tax, administrative and commercial offences

We are able to provide the highest level of assistance in the field of administrative, civil and commercial, industrial and criminal law. We therefore refer to advocacy before ordinary and extraordinary courts. Defence and assistance is therefore exercised by our lawyers, mainly in trials. We refer to all types of proceedings.

Proceedings, understood as proceedings and trial in the strict sense, represent the culmination of acts aimed at the issuance, by the judge, of a decision of guilt or acquittal on the merits against one or more determined subjects. That is, of victory or acquittal, following the exercise of civil action, with the ultimate aim of guaranteeing the protection of the subjective rights recognised by the rules of substantive law.

The administrative process, finally, is the one that takes place before the bodies of administrative jurisdiction “for the protection against the public administration of legitimate interests and, in particular matters indicated by law, also of subjective rights” (art. 103 Const.).

ILA has gathered in its ranks only the best national and international lawyers, allowing us to offer companies the highest professional quality available on the legal market in commercial, administrative and tax criminal defence.

Do you need immediate advice? Contact us!

In national and international criminal defense cases, acting promptly is a must and an essential advantage in the case. Fill out the form with all the requested data and you will be contacted within a few hours.