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Extrajudicial consultancy for companies and organisations

The extrajudicial consultancy service for companies and entities of ILA – International Lawyers Associates is designed to accommodate the rhythms and needs of business activity, which imply rapid, day-to-day decisions.

These typically involve decisions relating to contracts, debts, credits, transactions and other initiatives of significant importance to the legal entity.

Through our out-of-court business advice, we provide specific assistance to each company, ensuring a team of lawyers ready to provide decisive solutions, on an emergency basis or with the necessary planning, as the case may be.

International team

Legal experts form over 40 countries

Instant assistance

Always operational H24

High-profile out-of-court corporate legal assistance and advice

In relation to the out-of-court corporate legal assistance and advice provided by ILA, we can state that, generally, the daily commitment is aimed at assessing commercial, tax and civil law matters.

But the experience of recent years has also engaged us in the study of industrial, administrative and criminal law matters.

Consultancy contracts are modulated and negotiated, on a case-by-case basis, with the heads of the company, but the minimum duration of the relationship is one year. This type of agreement does not include litigation defence before the court.

The out-of-court counselling we offer takes the form of opinions and legal advices, better referred to as legal opinions, which the corporate lawyers of our team provide upon direct solicitation and at the specific request of the company, regarding the occurrence of a given fact, or in relation to a legally relevant act, relevant to the company.

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