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Extradition and Life Imprisonment: A Legal Insight

An examination of the intricate relationship between life imprisonment and extradition procedures, including the European Arrest Warrant. In the legal context, the connection between life imprisonment and extradition procedures, especially the European Arrest Warrant, is a topic of considerable complexity. The verdict of the Assize Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, acting as the executing […]


Extradition is a form of judicial cooperation between states, involving the surrender of an individual who has taken refuge within one state’s territory to another state for the purpose of facing criminal prosecution (extradition for trial) or serving criminal sanctions if already convicted (extradition for enforcement). General Characteristics of Extradition Types of Extradition: Extradition can […]

Legal Assistance for Extradition and European Arrest Warrants in Italy

Who to Turn to in Case of Arrest, Extradition, or European Arrest Warrant in Italy? Arrest in Italy based on a request for extradition or a European Arrest Warrant is a serious event that requires competent and timely legal management. In this article, we will examine who you should contact in case of arrest or […]