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Extradition from Italy to a Foreign State: Conditions Preventing Grant

When faced with an extradition request from a foreign state, a complex and delicate legal matter unfolds. It is crucial to understand that, in the event of Italy’s surrender, the requested person will have to face a conviction or a precautionary measure abroad. In this in-depth exploration, we will closely examine the circumstances under which […]

Extradition to Jordan – Supreme Court’s Ruling

Case Context and Petitioner’s Complaints In the Italian legal context, the Supreme Court of Cassation has recently issued a significant ruling concerning a case of extradition to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. In this document, we will examine the details of this ruling and the issues raised by the petitioner. The case involves an individual […]

Legal Implications of Arrests Post-Brexit

In the context of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, it’s crucial to understand the legal implications when an arrest is requested from England or other UK countries. This raises the question of which procedure applies: the European Arrest Warrant or extradition. Let’s take a close look at this issue and the pivotal […]

Release of a Chinese Citizen: Lack of Extradition Request from China

In the following analysis, we will examine the release of Siu Yee Lam, a Chinese citizen, following the absence of an extradition request from Chinese authorities. This case raises important legal and political questions concerning the relationship between Italy and China. Arrest and Charges Against Siu Yee Lam Siu Yee Lam, hailing from the Guangdong […]

Italy-Brazil Extradition Treaty: Key Aspects Unveiled

In this article, we delve into the agreement signed between Italy and Brazil concerning the extradition of individuals suspected or accused of crimes and how this treaty regulates extradition in both countries when one of them requests the execution of a sentence or a trial on their own territory. The Legal Foundation: The 1989 Treaty […]

Inhuman Treatment in Chinese Prisons: Italian Supreme Court Halts Extradition

The Italian Criminal Cassation Judgment In the recent judgment of the Italian Criminal Cassation Court No. 21125/2023, a crucial issue is addressed concerning whether to extradite an individual to the People’s Republic of China. The judgment raises concerns about the possibility of inhuman treatment in Chinese prisons and the use of torture to obtain confessions. […]

When Extradition is Prohibited Due to Human Rights Violations: A Clear Guide

In this article, we will carefully examine the situations in which a violation of human rights occurs under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and how this violation can lead to the refusal of extradition. Fundamental Rights in Carceral Settings Article 3 of the ECHR imposes an absolute prohibition on torture and inhuman or […]

Russia’s Exit from the ECHR: Halting Extraditions

Russia has recently exited the Council of Europe, bringing significant implications for the application of human rights principles. This article will explore the consequences of this move, highlighting the recent case where the Italian Cassation Court halted an extradition process and the concerns related to fundamental rights. Russia’s Exit from the ECHR Since September 16, […]

Vincenzo Vecchi’s Long Legal Battle: Will France Reject Extradition?

Vincenzo Vecchi’s story has been a long and complex legal odyssey that has crossed borders and jurisdictions between Italy and France. At the heart of the matter lies the G8 summit in Genoa, where Vecchi was sentenced in Italy to 11 years and 6 months in prison for devastation and looting. His flight to France […]