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Nullity of Absconding Decree: A Legal Victory for Justice

Nullity of the absconding decree is a crucial aspect in the legal context that ensures the respect of fundamental rights of an individual during a criminal proceeding. This story highlights how a significant legal victory can be achieved through the correct application of laws and legal principles.

The Legal Background

In a recent case, an individual was arrested in Spain based on a European arrest warrant issued by Italy. The reason for the warrant was the application of a precautionary detention measure, as the individual was considered a participant in a criminal organization involved in international drug trafficking. The charged offense was severe, as outlined in Article 74 of Legislative Decree 309/90 (Consolidated Narcotic Drugs Act), which stipulates a penalty of no less than 10 years of imprisonment for involvement in such a criminal association.

The Absconding Dilemma

Once arrested in Spain, the individual and their family sought legal professionals to understand how to navigate the situation. However, the case was complicated by the declaration of absconding issued against the individual. This declaration had led to a preliminary hearing without their participation, as it was believed they had deliberately avoided the legal proceedings. Nevertheless, there were significant shortcomings in the procedure that had led to this absconding declaration.

The Key to Success: Requesting Nullity of the Absconding Decree

The key to success in this case was the request for nullity of the absconding decree. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, absconding requires a series of rigorous checks, including the individual’s willingness to voluntarily evade a measure limiting personal freedom.

However, in the case at hand, the absconding decree had been issued without a thorough verification of the individual’s situation abroad, where they had established their residence for years. Despite investigators being fully aware of their residency in Belgium, no adequate searches had been conducted in that country, and instead, they relied on generalized searches through the Schengen Information System and Interpol.

The Court’s Decision and the Advantages

After submitting a request for nullity of the absconding decree, the Court granted the request, declaring the nullity of the decree and restarting the legal proceeding. This decision brought significant advantages to the individual involved. They now have the opportunity to request alternative legal procedures during the preliminary hearing, allowing them to obtain sentence reductions in case of conviction. Furthermore, they can adequately defend themselves during the trial to prove their innocence.

This story demonstrates the importance of correctly applying laws and respecting fundamental rights in a criminal proceeding. Nullity of the absconding decree has provided the individual with a second chance in the pursuit of justice.