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Extradition to Jordan: Safeguards against Forced Labor

A Judicial Case Analyzed by the Supreme Court of Cassation In the context of interpreting Article 705 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, the Supreme Court of Cassation examined a case of extradition to Jordan, issuing a judgment (Section VI n. 24348_2023) worthy of attention. Case Summary The defense filed an appeal against a […]

How to Check if You Are Wanted Internationally

Fear of being subject to an international arrest warrant is a major concern for anyone. The uncertainty surrounding one’s legal situation can lead to a life filled with anxiety and a constant fear of traveling abroad for fear of being arrested. Obtaining Information on Interpol’s Red Notices To resolve this uncertainty, you can directly request […]

Decree of Absence and European Arrest Warrant: Release of the Assisted Person

The Initial Situation: A person legally assisted was subject to a precautionary order for inducing and facilitating prostitution, but this order was never notified to the individual, who was unreachable at her home address and not reachable by phone. Consequently, the authorities issued a decree of absence against her. Legal Proceedings Despite the absence of […]

New measures for immigration in the United Kingdom

Minister of State for Legal Immigration and Borders, Tom Pursglove, recently announced a series of new measures aimed at limiting immigration to the United Kingdom. These measures, discussed within the framework of the five-point plan outlined by James Cleverley in December, have sparked debates and concerns regarding their impact on the country’s social and economic […]

International Extradition: Legal Guide

The Extradition Process International extradition is a complex process of cooperation among sovereign states. In this guide, we will examine the extradition process and the legal issues associated with it. A Case Study: Extradition from the United States To illustrate the process, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario in which an Italian citizen is accused in […]

European Arrest Warrant Detention Procedure

In the legal context, we examine a detention procedure in a European Arrest Warrant case. This article provides an overview of the defense strategy employed to secure the release of the client and outlines crucial legal considerations. The European Arrest Warrant In this case, the client was arrested in Italy based on a European Arrest […]

Alternative Measures to Detention: How to Request Them for “Impeditive” Offenses

Often, when it comes to serious offenses, people believe that imprisonment is the only possible option. However, there are legal mechanisms that allow those convicted of “impeditive” offenses to request alternative measures to detention. In this article, we will explore what these “impeditive” offenses are, the conditions for requesting such measures, and what to do […]

International Extradition: Procedures and Legal Defense

Extraditing a person from one country to another is a complex legal process that requires a deep understanding of national and international laws. In this article, we will explore the international extradition process in detail and discuss the importance of competent legal defense in extradition situations. The International Extradition Process: An In-Depth Analysis The international […]

Extradition to Canada and the Principle of Specialty: What You Need to Know

Extracting a person from one country to another is a complex legal procedure that can have significant implications for the rights and freedom of the individual involved. In this article, we will examine the extradition process to Canada and the fundamental principle of specialty that governs its application. The Extradition Process: An Overview The extradition […]

Suspending Interpol Red Notices: A Legal Guide

Suspending Interpol Red Notices is a complex but essential process. In this article, we will explore what Interpol Red Notices are, when they can be canceled or suspended, and the strategy to follow for suspension. Interpol Red Notices: An Overview Interpol Red Notices are tools of international police cooperation that allow for the global search […]