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Criminal Defence In Australia

The Australian continent has been the subject, since the 1960s, of a very strong process of European and non-European immigration. International Lawyers Associates has for years carried out important professional work on behalf of Italians, British, Lithuanians, Russians and Indians who have migrated to Australia.

Currently, we are able to operate in criminal defence in Australia, in all its major cities.

College defence in Australia

It is a due act to mention our most frequent activities on the island and the locations where we conduct them. Of course, as in many other countries around the globe, we are able to set up a defence team capable of assisting in court, and even outside the magistrate’s courtroom, any individual facing trial, accused of any crime, from theft to murder, drug trafficking to bankruptcy.

In its experience, our team has been involved in complex extradition cases. It has not been uncommon for Australia in the past to be considered an escape destination for fugitives, wanted by the police of states around the world. Prominent members of organised criminal groups and mafia syndicates found their place of refuge in Australia, and then were captured to stand trial in their home countries or to serve out sentences previously imposed on them.

Child and Family Laws in Australia

Another area particularly followed by our team and in which our criminal lawyers specialise is child and family law, and the phenomenon of international child abduction.

Australia is one of the signatory countries to the Hague Convention for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; and Australia is one of the countries that applies the principles of the Convention most literally and correctly

Legal Cooperation in Australia

If there is one nation in the world, still closely linked by legal and economic interests, to the 5 continents of the world, it is Australia. International Lawyers Associates is able to assist its clients in criminal defence in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.

The law firm provides its clients who are unable to speak English with a team of native-speaking translators: the assistants are Russian, Ukrainian, Italian and Chinese speakers.
